Contact Me

How to buy from me
I do not sell directly from my web site, I prefer to check first that the item has not been sold in the shop. I accept payment by Paypal (which I would prefer) cheque or postal order or you can pay with a card over the phone. Please see my shipping terms below. If you would like to buy an item, or have any questions, please contact me on the e-mail facility at the bottom of this page or you can call me, or visit the shop.

By Telephone – 07958577467

Come and see me 
Alfies Antiques is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 a.m until 6p.m. My shop is currently open on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10.30am until 5.30pm

We will be there as often as possible but to make sure our stand is open you could email or telephone me first.

Alfies Antique Market
13-25 Church Street,
London NW8 8DT

This also serves as my postal address for business.
See Map Location For Gillian Horsup At Alfies Antiques Market for directions

By Email – Please fill in the form below

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